Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday Walk/Drive-Bys

Geese vs. Cars in PA?
Geese always win.

May was a good month. Even the rain seemed filled with purpose.

But this June, the rain is driving and relentless. I've felt cloistered, cut off, submerged. Each time I thought the sun had returned for good, thunder rolled overhead, the lightening flashed and crashed, the skies opened, and the rained poured. Again.

But not today.

Today the clouds yielded, and the sun called. Time to be out.

All is overgrown green in Pennsylvania.

Or working hard to be.

We are as attached to our ruins as the brush and vines.

Not everything made it through the winter,

but for every naked tree, there are a thousand Goddesses of the green.

Random rabbit on the path,

competes with random corporate art,

competes with temporarily impotent clouds.

History is thick in Valley Forge,

with covered bridges

preserved log cabins

Monuments to George Washington

and his Revolutionary soldiers

And, just when I think the clouds are making a come-back,

the sun shines through with a last burst of light.

Happy Flag Day.


Lori Skoog said...

Well if it isn't the return of the Coyote! Nice is so lush where you live. I especially love the third one up from the bottom with the split rail fence and rolling hills. Welcome back. We have not had much rain at all.

Janie said...

Great post. Love the goddesses of the green, and the ruins, and that sign is a classic, too. Glad you're finally getting a burst of good weather so you can get out and enjoy.

rebecca said...

I just want to celebrate another day of living

I just want to celebrate another day of liiiiiffffeeee!

oh, sorry....yeah, nice pics.

rebecca said...

Hehe! Glad you're back girl! Where have you been keeping yourself?

Nice, green, lush surroundings...loved the ruins best....and, of course, the bunny rabbit...awww! I want one.

CoyoteFe said...

Halooo Lori!
No rain? NO RAIN! It has poured in sheets here day after damned day. We are positively moldy! Nut a second day of sun today so hope springs. You like that fence photo because it reminds you of home! Thanks!

There are times when I like to cloister on a rainy day, to read and write, but too much of a good thing is too much indeed. Those ruins are in a state park nearby, and surpassingly they remain mostly unmolested.

I love that song! And, I quite see you dancing about too! I have been writing a little, reading a little, sleeping a little, working a lot ... ahhh!
I had a rabbit once who stretched out on the top of the sofa, watched TV and ate popcorn. Seriously.

restoration42 said...

Looks like your walk/drive too you through some gorgeous land. Lovely images. Lots of layers of history there.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos that capture the perfect spring green of the East Coast. And make me a little homesick. Thanks for sharing them!

I really like your Buddha paraphrased in the sidebar. What gave you that idea? It's great!

CoyoteFe said...

I love PA in the spring, summer and fall. In winter it looks like a haunted forest, but such a small sacrifice, tcha!

Halloo, Kim!
Thanks for visiting! It's been a luch spring and summer (and rained AGAIN today, Argh!) The Buddha quote (and wisdom) is The Buddha's, not mine!

Esther Garvi said...

It's amazing how important the sun is! I treasure it even more here in Sweden, where it's rare.

CoyoteFe said...

It is amazing how much the sun affects our disposition. I must say, however, that I completely understand your need to recharge in a more moderate climate. There is such a thing as too MUCH sun! Travel well!

Carolyn said...

Fe, I am catching up on your posts. The body is finally adjusting to hard physical work and the need to sleep the minute I walk in the door has past. This is a beautiful post with fabulous photos and oh so much beautiful history. Thank you for taking me along.
Smiles and blessings