Last day of Winter 2009 in Malvern, PA

I must blog now, because if I HAPPEN to awake before the Vernal Equinox (7:44 AM, EDT), I will almost certainly still be abed, sans contacts, and bleary-minded.
But my morning lethargy is not indicative of the warmth with which I greet the most magical of seasons.

Surely there have been longer winters, but never have I waited for Spring with as much yearning as I do tonight. Why? Why, I have no idea. I am neither injured nor particularly wanting. I seek no external magic to improve my life. In fact, these days I seem to be counting on my own energy to raise me, not some vibration on the breeze. And that is never a bad thing.

But, that vibration on the breeze ... Is that ever a bad thing either?

So, here I am, waiting on this busy Pennsylvania road, where we rushrushrush to get wherever we think we need to be now. The sun plays tag with us, and then goes inside to watch Judge Leroy Brown. The trees are sleeping – or maybe they are just ignoring us. A few brave strands of green push through the soil with such faith that the fates will align in their favor. The grass is that 70s appliance green-brown that we would never choose to see again.
And, IwaitIwaitIwaitIwaitwaitwait.
Wait – Who IS that crazy-looking chick strolling down the road? See her? I think I know her. Do you know her? And, what magic compels the sun to come out just in time to highlight the flowers in her hair?
Hey, can I get you a drink?
I'm right there with you! Spring has sprung!
When spring arrives in your world, it means that Hot Season is on its way here. Now she may be one HOT sister, but sometimes you can actually have too much of the good stuff!! :-D I'll try to send over to your place when she comes so that we can all share the warmth, don't you think?
I love that vibration in the air. And our sister looks mighty good with the sun shining on the flowers in her hair.
Spring couldn't come soon enough and even though she is going to have second thoughts I think she is here to stay. It is time to take each day as she comes and enjoy what she offers. Happy spring, thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.
You put the Spring in my smile! Now I too will wake with a sense of a New Day dawning...
Thanx for the pix and the watch-full-ness of it all...
I'm with ya! B-RE-Born!
Well, remember when I told you LOVED winter? I still do, do not misunderstand.....but I've had enough! Like an expectant mother I've been busy cleaning and clearing, cleaning and clearing with a madness that grabs me every year around this time. I think it's the fact that my body has been so lethargic and unmoving and hidden beneath covers. But no more. Spring has sprung and so has my energy. I'm hoping next weekend it's a little warmer so I can get to the yard and start cleaning there as well. Then May and I shall begin to plant my flowers -- I've already ordered my flats, so I.AM.READY!
Swing by soon, I've missed ya 'round my way....
It has been a long (but not hard) winter, and I am glad that it is fading! But it's 33 degrees right now. Wah!
Esther, Darlink!
No, no, no! I am not ready for the heat when I am just embracing Spring! OK, maybe I can take a BIT of the heat off your hands in the interest of friendship!
Today's sky looked like iet did a week ago, as if winter is still trying to cling to its quarter. So it must be the vibes that make it feel differently. That, and the sun staying just a bit longer each day!
You're right; have to give a woman a chance to have second thoughts. Then she usually comes around to what's right! And, when we DO take each day as it's own thing, I find so many more things to be grateful for. Thank you!
Glad to oblige! And, I like that bit about watchfulness. One needn't start over when there's always another turn on the wheel! B-turnin'!
I ma a recalcitrant blogster, indeed! Too many balls in the air these past two weeks! Reforming am I! I love cheesecake, but there comes a time when enough is indeed enough. Winter's time is done (unless you're below the equator). Ummm - I have some closets to re-org - OK for two years now. OR five - can't remember. Let me get right on that! Planting? (perk! Now your talkin!
very beautiful pictures you got hre:) i especially like the one with new green leaves sprouting out from the browned, old ones.
Hi Fe,
I know what it is like to get behind....I will give posts that I am following a quick read with the promise of coming back and life happens. The weather has been so wonderful here that I find it hard to sit down in front of the computer. I need to be out and enjoying every moment of this time of year. I have sent a note to the shelter where our puppy dog is and hopefully there will be good news.
I am so looking forward to going to this theatre on Friday and see the inside. It will be nice to go to a presentation in such an intimate venue.
I hope all is well with you and you are not working too hard. Thanks for checking in.
P.S. Again I love your playlist...I go to you blog just to listen...thank you.
Thank you for dropping by!
Carolyn -
Thank you! I commented back on your blog.
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