I like to share my thoughts, but I love to read the thought and daily travels of others. Life is full when we choose it to be so, no matter our circumstances. And, if my reading is any indication, there are a lot of bloggers who have chosen fullness. To all who pass by thanks for coming, and to all I pass by, thanks for being there.
Now, it is time to pay some butterflies forward.
Butterfly awards rules (do butterflies have rules???)
Place the logo on your blog
Add a link to the person who awarded you
Nominate 10 (or whatever number you choose) other blogs for this award
Add links to those blogs
Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs
Give a reason why you consider their blogs cool
Ken Mac of Greenwich Village Daily Photo offers up the best of the Village and beyond. I am particularly fond of his road trips and architectural delights. And, every once in a while, he inserts a human to provide context. Ha!
San's A Life with a View mixes art with life in a riot of colorful canvases, people, emotions, and open-eyed joy! Read her blog and you not only know just how she feels, but may actually feel her vibe coming in from the desert.
Cherie over at Baba Yaga's Mirror is another lover of horses who captures photos full of quiet beauty, and has this surprising, full-throated spirituality that just makes my day.
Lori stole Esther over at Ishtar News, AND Rebecca at Just a Thought, and Spartacus Jones does not do such things, so I'll close by saying, "Life is like (fill in the blank).
Oh, the cards . . . not you, no way. Was asking about the force behind the rage.
Wow, Fe, I love what you wrote about me. I just may have to quote it. Demurely of course, and with great modesty.
Thank you! And you really deserve this award.
Halllooo - CHerie -
Ha! Glad the cards were not mine! But, I suppose in the sense, they are ours. Bleh. Perhaps we need a chnage of attitude, or attitude ...
San -
"Demurely" is such a nice word. It rolls around on the tongue like pudding. But, I do not think it is as much fun as it sounds!
San - I agree. Demurely is one of those warm summer afternoon tea words that only exists in a moment, and then just evaporates like ice cubes.
New here,
I'm seeking help for the children of Haiti.
I'm doing my part for a non-profit group that gives their time to
creating oppurtunities for the children in haiti. If anybody wants to donate then this is the site:
[url=http://universallearningcentre.org]Donate to Haiti[/url] or Help Haiti
They provide kids in Haiti books and teach them.
Yes, they're a real cause.
I greatly appreciate anyone's help
nice post. I would love to follow you on twitter.
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