This weekend, I attended Ed Shockley's 23rd (or so) Annual Picnic (or Barbeque, if some are sensitive to the word "picnic"). Every year, playwrights, actors, directors, poets, novelists gather to eat, drink, and discuss art/social issues. This year, I met two women writers who (of course) had something to say about their work. I hope you enjoy, and forgive the quality of the video (my first, and if I could just get my big, fat thumb and mouth out of the way ... )
If the music distracts, please mute it at the bottom of the page.
Tamesha S. Hawkins has published her first novel, Sugar Lumps and Black Eyes Blues, and discussed her experiences to-date.
Meredith Z. Avakian is about to publish her first book of poetry. Here is a wonderful sample of her work, titled "1915", related to the Armenian Genocide:
Meredith's ankle bears a tattoo of "Justice" in Armenian.
What a fabulous blog. I love the concept of "Poetry Thursdays," of course. Thanks so much for sharing my mission of awareness and recognition of the Armenian Genocide. So great to meet you last weekend.
Thank you for allowing me to film you! Nice performance and a truly compelling message about which we we hear next to nothing. Keep trumpeting! Hope to see you soon.
This comment is very out of date; however i have been thinking about getting an Armenian tattoo. I want the quote to say in Armenian: "Family is a haven in a heartless world."
I am a woman living in the suburbs of Philadelphia, witnessing everything that crosses my path, and wondering - really wondering - have we all lost our ever-loving minds?
One of my poems is published in the Fall 2010 issue
New Poems in Poetry Quarterly Spring Issue
Check out the Spring 2010 issue. Hope you like!
The Ampersand Review
Two of my poems are included in Volume IV.
The Battered Suitcase
Two of my poems are included in the May '09 issue.
Gerry Rafferty, RIP
A bit of Scottish soul passes by and by ...
Congrats Fe Porter
On your Graduation AND Passing your Boards!
2009 Football Champions!
Happy Father's Day Dad!
Heartless ...
Should a fly fly by my eye, by and by, he will die ...
Happy Memorial Day
To those we've lost, and those who carry the light
FINAL FOUR (Sigh) Still Impressed!
End of the road. Good luck next year!
Vernal Equinox March 20, 2009 @ 7:44 AM EDT
Oh I am Not! I was going for Lotus-Eating Meditator.
My Liberal Identity:
You are a Reality-Based Intellectualist, also known as the liberal elite. You are a proud member of what’s known as the reality-based community, where science, reason, and non-Jesus-based thought reign supreme.
Perhaps if we didn't YANK Phil out of his warren every February, AND, perhaps if the club didn't decide on the results in a "pre-meeting," Spring might be persuaded to show her bonnie face earlier. But, I'm not bitter.
Buddha Paraphrased
When people speak badly about you, you should respond in this way: Keep a steady heart and do not reply with harsh words. Practice letting go of resentment, and accept that another's hostility is the spur to your understanding. Be kind, adopt a generous standpoint, treat your enemy as a friend, and suffuse your world with affectionate thoughts, far-reaching and widespread, limitless and free from hate.
Named Dr. Sketchy's Art Monkey of the Month! Tcha! Such a racy girl!
Reporter throws shoe at Bush during news conference in Iraq
O Dear God! Who is directing this shite?
Odetta 1930 - 2008
And, a full-throated songbird fell silent ...
Please Make it Stop ...
Wearing a traditional Peruvian poncho, President George W. Bush gestures ...
Fastest Bill in the West!
The next time they tell you: "These things take time." ...
Paul Newman 1925 - 2008
Only the Good Die Young
And We Can Look Forward to 2 More of These Chats
McCain Suspends Campaign to ... Attend to the Economic Crisis
Um ... OK ... Can I get you a chair?
A Woman - Any Woman
EXACTLY how stupid do you think we are? Wait - exactly how stupid are we?
Welcome Back, Teddy!
Say it's so Joe!
You GO Grrrl
Rachel Maddow Joins MSNBC
Will it Go 'Round in Circles?
Oh, Closure ...
Slideshow: Partners in Crime at Taylor's at the Olde Mill, Norristown, PA August 2, 2008
With Friends Like These ...
Phil Spector wears a "Barack Obama Rocks" button to his murder trial. I doubt he'll appear in the fund raising emails.
Rice Adviser, David Kilcullen: "Iraq Invasion Was 'F*cking Stupid"
Really? Did you tell Condi?
Marion Jones asks Bush for Commutation - Waits for Hell to Freeze Over
I know, I know. Lying: Bad. Doping: Bad. But is Marion worse than Scooter Libby?
Happy Birthday, Galen!
Life is a Journey
Removed from the US terror watch list (Egad!)
We actually needed a congressional bill to declare that Nelson Mandela is not a terrorist.
Obalintons Unite!
Wishing You A Blessed Summer Solstice
Tim Russert: For one who got it right
Vaya con Dios ...
FOX NEWS: When bad people get air time
Who are you callin' "baby mama" ???
You GO Dennis!
On June 9, 2008, US Representative Dennis Kucinich presented 35 articles of impeachment against Pres. Bush. 35 articles! As I write this, he has been speaking for almost 3 hours, and is on article 24. Dennis, you put the 'Q' in quixotic.
All Come to Look for America
On this Memorial Day, blessings on those who have put their lives on the line for our honor.
And, to those who have sacrificed their lives for freedom, I wish you an eternal spring.
Thanks to Pat of "Markers Along the Way" who offered this up for all those who need the fortification!
Fe...Miss smarty pants! I have not tried to put on a video yet. Did you do it from your cell phone? I am so impressed!
My first video (YouTube) was from my still camera, but these are from my video camera (need to practice with it!).
Thanks so much for the opportunity. I look forward to working with you in the future!
Tamesha -
The thanks go to you. It was wonderful to meet you and I look forward to your performance! Lemmino ...
What a fabulous blog. I love the concept of "Poetry Thursdays," of course. Thanks so much for sharing my mission of awareness and recognition of the Armenian Genocide. So great to meet you last weekend.
Meredith -
Thank you for allowing me to film you! Nice performance and a truly compelling message about which we we hear next to nothing. Keep trumpeting! Hope to see you soon.
This comment is very out of date; however i have been thinking about getting an Armenian tattoo. I want the quote to say in Armenian: "Family is a haven in a heartless world."
Anonymous -
Thanks for visiting! I like the concept of your tattoo. We are lucky when family can be a bastion against those who want to harm us!
Be well.
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